Helloquins of the Empire versus Montfort of Andore: There are links, forged in war, that do not break down anymore. The bonds of the soldiers who shed their blood together, whose songs unite to defy the enemy, who advance side by side in the midst of chaos and death. The warriors of the Empire and the fighters of the...

The Ambassador - Newspaper / Zeitung
To In Memoriam: Reports of IT Death of Characters (Some of Which have passed away OT)
Berichte über den Tod von IT-Charakteren (von denen einige OT verstorben sind)
IT/IC: The Ambassador
The Ambassador hopes to connect the various lands throughout the known multiverse. With our locations in Bicolline, the Realms and Mythodea, we will be publishing news articles which can be collected and or distributed from our Embassy Member Locations. - E.B.Co.
IT: The Ambassador
Der Botschafter hofft, die verschiedenen Länder in dem bekannten Multiversums zu verbinden. Mit unseren Standorten in Bicolline, den Reichen und Mythodea werden wir Nachrichtenartikel veröffentlichen, die von unseren Botschaftsstandorten aus gesammelt und/oder verteilt werden. - E.B.Co.
ATTN: OT/OOC - This site is available IC/IT information published by the East Blackwood Company and its affiliates.
As we continue to update our website with current events related to our Embassy and International LARP Project, we hope to end any confusion and or „bleed“ by providing a strictly IC news page which will include IC/IT available articles on events and cons transpiring around the world. - Embassy Team
ATTN: OT - Diese Website enthält IT-Informationen, die von der East Blackwood Company und ihren Tochtergesellschaften veröffentlicht werden.
Da wir unsere Website weiterhin mit aktuellen Ereignissen im Zusammenhang mit
unserer Botschaft und dem internationalen LARP-Projekt aktualisieren, hoffen
wir, jegliche Verwirrung zu vermeiden und/oder "bluten" zu können,
indem wir eine reine IT-Nachrichtenseite bereitstellen.
Diese enthält verfügbare
IT-Artikel über Ereignisse und Veranstaltungen, die auf der ganzen Welt
stattfinden. - Team der Botschaft
Renowned Campaign Between Vakten and Ferrata Fidelis: In late fall, a Military campaign on opposing two fronts, Vakten and Ferrata, during various combat scenarios took place. The lands of Bicolline offer several types of terrain, forest, plains, chasm, village, road, etc..
Moringaard / Fall of Mor'tazz
Early in the year, Sir Dagger, the Ambassador of Blackwood, and Don Anthem DeVigil attended a noble wedding as honored guests. Among the guests was a soldier who had been fighting a long and tiring campaign in lands of Moringaard. Sir Dagger listened to the man as he spoke at length about his torment and failings in the war in...
The Realms / Feast of Blackwood
The ceremony took place in an amphitheater within the forests of Erowan. Lords, ladies, nobles, soldiers and merchants gathered to witness the union of Kerrel and Jinx and the crowning of a queen. Notable attendees to the ceremony were Lord Sir Shandar of Invictus, the strongest nation in the Realms, Lord Sir Malaki of Folkstone, Lord Sir Syruss of...
Bicolline / Bataille de Bicolline
The Realms Embassy continues to serve their general purpose, as an Exploration Guild, of hunting monsters to save the people of Bicolline from their blight. As they have been successful in assisting the various peoples of this land, lands and properties have been granted to the Embassy and its representatives. These lands also have to be defended...
Mythodea / Summer Campaign
In 17 Jahre n.d.E., the East Blackwood and Realms Embassy deployed to the ruined city of Methraton Thul to lend support to both Margrave Balor the Red of Zweiwasser and the Western Seal and to secure relations and lines of trade throughout Mythodea for the future. East Blackwood contributed a lot this year to the war effort. Eridan...
Mythodea / The Duel with Sir Valdemar Part 1
The Duel with Sir Valdemar Part 1
The Realms / Blackwood Tournaments by Sayeh
For many years, the Kingdom of Blackwood within the Realms have hosted an annual tournament. This year not only was the expected festivities and competitions to be had but it was also an event to host the respective Doe and Stag Parties for the King and Queen to Be of Blackwood. Sayeh of Sapphire Isle was in attendance as she...
Bicolline / The Quest by Sir Shean
About a month ago the Realms Embassy received this letter calling them to arms:
Every year the Mythodea Town of Holzbrüch hosts the Convent of the Elements and one major Mythodea region serves as guest host. This year the Western Seal were the guest hosts of the festival. The nobility, merchants, knights, chieftains and common folk gather in Bad Holzbrück for festivities, shops, games, politics, trade and much more. During...