Every year the Mythodea Town of Holzbrüch hosts the Convent of the Elements and one major Mythodea region serves as guest host. This year the Western Seal were the guest hosts of the festival. Every year the nobility, merchants, knights, chieftains and common folk gather in Bad Holzbrück for festivities, shops, games, politics, trade and much more....

The Ambassador - Newspaper / Zeitung
To In Memoriam: Reports of IT Death of Characters (Some of Which have passed away OT)
Berichte über den Tod von IT-Charakteren (von denen einige OT verstorben sind)
IT/IC: The Ambassador
The Ambassador hopes to connect the various lands throughout the known multiverse. With our locations in Bicolline, the Realms and Mythodea, we will be publishing news articles which can be collected and or distributed from our Embassy Member Locations. - E.B.Co.
IT: The Ambassador
Der Botschafter hofft, die verschiedenen Länder in dem bekannten Multiversums zu verbinden. Mit unseren Standorten in Bicolline, den Reichen und Mythodea werden wir Nachrichtenartikel veröffentlichen, die von unseren Botschaftsstandorten aus gesammelt und/oder verteilt werden. - E.B.Co.
ATTN: OT/OOC - This site is available IC/IT information published by the East Blackwood Company and its affiliates.
As we continue to update our website with current events related to our Embassy and International LARP Project, we hope to end any confusion and or „bleed“ by providing a strictly IC news page which will include IC/IT available articles on events and cons transpiring around the world. - Embassy Team
ATTN: OT - Diese Website enthält IT-Informationen, die von der East Blackwood Company und ihren Tochtergesellschaften veröffentlicht werden.
Da wir unsere Website weiterhin mit aktuellen Ereignissen im Zusammenhang mit
unserer Botschaft und dem internationalen LARP-Projekt aktualisieren, hoffen
wir, jegliche Verwirrung zu vermeiden und/oder "bluten" zu können,
indem wir eine reine IT-Nachrichtenseite bereitstellen.
Diese enthält verfügbare
IT-Artikel über Ereignisse und Veranstaltungen, die auf der ganzen Welt
stattfinden. - Team der Botschaft
The Tournaments of Creathorne have been held in Creathorne for over two and a half decades. This year marked the twenty-sixth year of the festival. The festival is hosted for over four days with added days for those who travel from afar to attend the festivities. Each year, ToC offers a large list of tournaments including bard's events, singles...
Bicolline / Spring Tavern Night by Sir Shean
Bicolline tavern night April: The night was very eventful with lots of things happening for the Realms Embassy. The City of Sands land deal went through and we were given the land of Ghazi Al-Khya with a palisade on it. The palisade is currently empty but in the next month or so Realms Embassy hunters will be arriving and setting...
This past weekend, Junker Cathair Ap Kriegstein Votgt zu Kleinsteinhausen und Bottenbach wed Tamina Edeltraut von Bruchmühlbach Wolfstein in a fine manor on the Pirmas countryside surrounded by friends and noble guests. The groom, Junker Cathair Ap Kriegstein, personally invited Ambassador Dagger and his retinue at Münzfest to his upcoming...
The War of Ashes, a war between Razash'dai, their allies and those under of Noreen Brandbringer who still worshiped the traitor Merth'Yar, has been raging on for some time now. The fanatical followers had employed a total war strategy of fire and death which was not limited to soldiers but extended in full to civilians alike. Forces from Mythodean...
Realms / Feast of Voraniss by Sir Shean
As Lady Kindrianna Athame wrote in the invitations, the people of Voraniss opened their gates to their friends and allies for their first Feast of Voraniss where foreign dignitaries and guests would be made welcome for the first time. There their clan leader was named Druid King, Hygar Athame:
Mythodea / Death of Ronja Damotil by Dagger
Former Chancellor of Knowledge of the Märkischer Bund
Mythodea / Bluthatz 3 by Dagger
The Bluthatz serves as the first hunt of the year. The first blooding. A right of passage some could say. The Bluthatz offers battle, drink, song, dance, hunt, and blood. There have been four attempts thus far at the Bluthatz and three were successful. This time was no exception.
Bicolline / Le Bal Pourpre by Sir Shean
Every year the Purple Ball is hosted in a new city. This year, the City of Sands was host. As such, the Realms Embassy prepared gifts for both the Sultan of the City of Sands and the newly crowned Queen Ellana d'Azkul of the Federation.
"The Kingdom of New Verai was dissolved in 995, shortly after the introduction of the worship of the god Arioch, by New Verai's steward, Baron Cinnabar of the Borderlands. All vassals of New Verai were released of their oaths to Verai, and permitted to take the lands that they governed with them. Only New Verai itself, and the lands...