Sapphire House, Nova Bretonia
Sapphire House, Nova Bretonia

Sapphire House
Triskel, Nova Bretonia
After a week long campaign in the Ancient World on behalf of Sayeh of Sapphire Ilse, The Rii and his daughter of Nova Bretonia presented Sir Dagger with a large house in the City of Triskel. Sir Dagger then requested that the house be named, Sapphire House in honor of Lady Sayeh who had sent Sir Dagger and the Embassy Guard on the mission that won them the house in the first place. The Nova Bretonians agreed.

Deputy Makø Tock
Makø Tock joined the Embassy as a deputy and is Master of House of Sapphire House. Her role is as a diplomat to facilitate relations between the Kingdom of Blackwood and Nova Bretonia.
Makø Tock has reported that Sapphire House had burned down. While the Kingdom of Blackwood still holds the deed to the house, no further information on the possibility of reconstruction is known at this time.