Members / Mitglieder und Mitarbeiter
People of the Embassy's / Leute von der Botschaften
This information can be found within Mythodea and used IT/IC
E.B. Leadership / Führung
East Blackwood Embassy
Baron / Knight of Blackwood/ Ambassador / Botschafter / Legate of the East
Knight of Blackwood/ Representative / Vertreter / Legate of the West /
Lady in Waiting to Duchess Vanadis of Validar
Embassy Guard
Guard Commander / Kommandaur der Garde
Guard Champion / Meister der Garde
East Blackwood Company
Leader of the E.B.Co. / Leiter der E.B.Co.
Master Merchant of the E.B.Co. / Handelsmeister der E.B.Co.
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Sir Bødvar Tok "BeerHunter," Proprietor of the "Drei Ponies Brauhaus"
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Marik "The Drunk" Fulgrimson, Propriator of "The Salty Stick"
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Merchant and Tradesman of the E.B.Co / Händler und Handwerker der E.B.Co
Master Tradeswoman of the E.B.Co / Handwerksmeisterin der E.B.Co.
Master Tradeswoman of the E.B.Co / Handwerksmeisterin der E.B.Co.
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Tares O'Grady Windschreiter, Leader of the Mitrasperanische Hanse
Perceived Dead
Merchant of the E.B.Co / Händler der E.B.Co
Captain Nathaniel "Übermorgan" Hawke of the Schwankende Rumfass
Project Role Explinations
Blackwood Citizens / Blackwood Bürger
Citizens of Blackwood and Blackwood’s collective lands are given representative status when visiting or living in Mythodea.
Die Bürger von Blackwood und Blackwoods Kollektivländern erhalten einen repräsentativen Status, wenn sie Mythodea besuchen oder dort leben.
Embassy Scribe / Schreiber
Scribes are an integral part of the Blackwood and Realms Embassy in Mythodea. With various diplomatic letters and documents, commercial agreements, bills, finance documents and other letters being written sent and stored regularly, the need for able-bodied scribes is great. Scribes can serve multiple roles depending on the needs of the embassy but are not required to perform any function outside of the writing and logging function should they not desire the added responsibility. Scribes are paid by contract. Master Scribe’s Apprentice Needed!
Die Schreiber sind ein integraler Bestandteil der Botschaft von Blackwood und den Reichen in Mythodea. Da verschiedene diplomatische Briefe und Dokumente, Handelsvereinbarungen, Rechnungen, Finanzdokumente und andere Briefe regelmäßig verschickt und aufbewahrt werden, ist der Bedarf an körperlich gesunden Schreibern groß. Schreiber können je nach den Bedürfnissen der Botschaft mehrere Aufgaben erfüllen, müssen aber keine Funktion außerhalb der Schreib- und Protokollfunktion ausüben, wenn sie die zusätzliche Verantwortung nicht wünschen. Die Schreiber werden vertraglich bezahlt. Meisterschreiber-Lehrling benötigt!
Mercenaries / Söldner
Mercenaries are important to the defense of embassy interests. Providing the money is right, many can be under the employ of the embassy at any given time. Typically a mercenary contract requires that the mercenary wears the East Blackwood sigil when serving. Mercenaries join the Embassy Guard unless special acceptions are made.
Söldner sind wichtig für die Verteidigung von Botschaftsinteressen. Wenn das Geld stimmt, können viele von ihnen jederzeit in den Dienst der Botschaft gestellt werden. Normalerweise verlangt ein Söldnervertrag, dass der Söldner das Ost Blackwood-Siegel trägt, wenn er dient. Söldner schließen sich der Botschaftswache an, es sei denn, es werden besondere Vereinbarungen getroffen
Citizens of the Realms / Bürger der Reiche von Valehaven
Citizens of the Realms of Valehaven and the nations within are given representative status for their respective lands when visiting or living in Mythodea.
Bürger der Reiche von Valehaven und der Nationen innerhalb dieser Reiche erhalten einen repräsentativen Status für ihr jeweiliges Land, wenn sie Mythodea besuchen oder dort leben.
Members / Mitglieder
Members are those who are attached to the embassy and its function without being part of either the Kingdom of Blackwood or the Realms of Valehaven directly. They serve in a similar capacity as their Realmsian and Blackwood counterparts and are considered Deputies.
Mitglieder sind diejenigen, die der Botschaft und ihrer Funktion verbunden sind, ohne direkt zum Königreich Blackwood oder den Reichen von Valehaven zu gehören. Sie dienen in einer ähnlichen Funktion wie ihre Reichs- und Blackwood-Gegenstücke und gelten als Abgeordnete.
East Blackwood Company Merchants / Händler
This year's Convent of the Elements (Jenseits der Siegel 2018) brought with it many changes to the project including new participation possibilities. Merchants are those who work within the umbrella of the East Blackwood Company. They can work all over Mythodea on various projects or run their own smaller companies attached to E.B.Co.
Der diesjährige Konvent der Elemente (Jenseits der Siegel 2018) brachte viele Veränderungen des Projekts mit sich, darunter auch neue Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten. Händler sind diejenigen, die unter dem Dach der East Blackwood Company arbeiten. Sie können überall in Mythodea an verschiedenen Projekten arbeiten oder ihre eigenen kleineren Unternehmen, die der E.B.Co. angeschlossen sind, betreiben.
Three Parts of East Blackwood Explained
East Blackwood Embassy
The Embassy members are diplomats either representing the Kingdom of Blackwood or serving as liaisons between the Kingdom of Blackwood and other nations and peoples. Embassy members follow a strict-rank structure starting with the feudal nobility of the Kingdom of Blackwood descending to the simplest of Embassy diplomats and envoys.
Embassy Guard
The Embassy Guard is a private military unit founded by the East Blackwood Company which is owned by Sir Dagger of Blackwood. The military unit's primary purpose is to defend the diplomats, citizens and guests under the banner of Blackwood, provide support to allies of Blackwood and defend the interests of Blackwood and the East Blackwood Company. The Embassy Guard follows a strict-rank structure starting with Sir Dagger of Blackwood who gives mission directives to its first in command, the Commander of the Guard. The Commander of the Guard is responsible for strategy and field command leading their Captains.
East Blackwood Company
The East Blackwood Company is a merchant house lead by Sir Dagger of Blackwood which encompasses different businesses, professions, merchants and sea captains. Each Merchant and Master Trades-person is permitted to hold their own business as long as a share of the profits are returned back to the E.B.Co. All E.B.Co members are given access to E.B.Co resources and contacts within reason and availability. This includes the Embassy Guard. Each Merchant or Master Trades-person can operate freely unless they wish to do businesses on behalf of the East Blackwood Company directly and officially. Only the Master Merchant and Leader of the East Blackwood Company can seal E.B.Co contracts with the official seal of the company. Beyond that, the East Blackwood Company follows a loose and often varied ranks structure.
Hierarchy from East Blackwood Explained
East Blackwood Embassy Rank Structure
King of Blackwood - By the King’s will the Embassy exists making the Crown the highest ranking position within the Embassy.
Crown Prince of Blackwood - Like the king, the Crown Prince is of the crown and leads above other nobility, the Ambassador, Representatives, and Members.
Lord/Lady of Blackwood - The nobility of Blackwood has varying ranks. Their respective levels of rank and title will be respected as part of the rank structure, ergo Dukes outrank Barons, Barons out rank lords and lords outrank members of the Embassy staff.
Knight of Blackwood - Knights of Blackwood, like Lords and Ladies of Blackwood, have a position of respected base nobility and as such hold rank over the Ambassador and all that follows.
Ambassador to the East - The head of the Embassy in the Far East, the Ambassador is the word of the Crown on matters of diplomacy and trade but has no authority over the Blackwood Nobility.
Representative - Blackwood sworn citizens follow the Ambassador in rank.
Lt. Representative 1st Class - Other Blackwood citizens working with the Embassy to represent Blackwood.
Lt. Representative 2nd Class - Other people of the Realms who are representing their homeland as part of the Embassy staff in the Lands Far East.
Member / Deputy - Any other member of the Embassy staff including Deputies who live and work outside of the Embassy maintained holdings itself hold the last place in the Embassy’s rank structure.
East Blackwood Embassy Guard Rank Structure
Commander - The overall leader of the Guard has authority over the individual guard members but should allow the Captain to command the Guards directly unless it becomes necessary to do otherwise. The Commander holds a more strategic role in directing the Guard as a whole and preferably not the individual guard person.
Captain - The field leader of the Guard. The Captain directs the Guards in actions such as maintaining formation, pushing right, holding fast, changing weapons and position, etc. Captains are chosen by the Commander prior to each engagement and or mission. Missions can be long term fixtures such as the Captain of the Guard at the Embassy Building in Grian Quihenya.
Corporal Veteran - Under the captains, the Corporal Veterans serve to replace the captains in case of unavailability, injury or death. Corporal Veterans remain Corporal Veterans at all times until they are promoted or demoted.
Corporal - Under the captains and corporal veterans, the Corporals serve to replace the captains in case of unavailability, injury or death. Corporals
remain Corporals
at all times until they are promoted or demoted.
Champion of the Guard - Every year a tournament is held just before the Mythodean Summer campaign to decide the Champion of the Guard. The champion is awarded a champion's purse, a higher pay rate for that year and the Sword of the Guard. The champion represents the honor of the guard in single combat and is expected to train with individual members of the guard to help improve their martial
Guard Veteran - Members of the Embassy Guard who is not acting in a leadership role but who have superior experience and merit.
Guard - Members of the Embassy Guard who are not acting in a leadership role.
East Blackwood Company Rank Structure
Leader/Leiter - The Leader holds the highest position in the East Blackwood Company or E.B.Co. The leader has the last say on any major decision including sealing of official documents.
Master Merchant - The Master Merchants are the second highest ranking members of the E.B.Co. They have contractual abilities on a higher level and are, with special permission, granted the right to sign and seal official documents. Master Merchants are in charge of bringing coin and capital into the E.B.Co. They are required to pay 1/3 rounded up of their profits to the E.B.Co.
Master Tradesman(woman) - The Masters of Craft or Tradesmen and women are the best of their respective trades. They lead the other tradesmen(women) and trade-oriented apprentices. Pay is set by the Company Leader or a Master Merchant.
Merchant - Merchants are any individual that holds their own small portion of the business where the buying and selling of goods is their daily bread. Merchants can have E.B.Co member employees under them as well as tradesmen. Merchants are in charge of bringing coin and capital into the E.B.Co. They are required to pay 1/3 rounded up of their profits to the E.B.Co.
Tradesman(woman) - The Craftsmen and women of the E.B.Co, they serve to perform the craft and construction tasks and jobs presented to them. Pay is set by the Company Leader or a Master Merchant.
Apprentice - Apprentice’s serve under Master Merchants and Master Tradesmen and women. When the master decides that the apprentice is ready for their certification as a proper merchant and or tradesmen(women) then the master, and only the master, will certify the elevation in social rank and qualification. Pay is set by their master.
Clerk - Clerks of the E.B.Co are members of the company with official positions who are not merchants or trades-persons. They are paid by the merchant, trades person or, Leader they are working under.
Member - Members are laborers and those not yet assigned to specific ranks and or roles within the East Blackwood Company. Members are paid on a weekly basis but are not contracted.
King Saegan Hart
King of Blackwood
Legates of Blackwood
Two emmisaries of the East Blackwood Embassy have been granted special titles and powers by the Crown of Blackwood. The Legates have the right to vote on the citizenship of new Sworn Blackwood citizens. Should either of the Legates East or West disagree then matters of citizenship will need to be brought to the Crown of Blackwood. Citizenship applicants should write their letters of oath to the Crown and or the Kingdom of Blackwood and the Ambassador should still write their letters of recomendation to the Crown.