The Western Seal: Summer Campaign


At the Summer Campaign 16 Jahre n.d.E, Ambassador Dagger went with the Baroness Sayeh of Sapphire Isle to the Realm of Roses Pan Mythodean Trade Summit to introduce her to the trade of Mythodea and to do business on behalf of the E.B.Co and the soon to be reinstated Protectorate of Lunorth.  There, with a stroke of luck, the Voice of the West was in attendance.  Sayeh treated with the Voice first until the Ambassador could complete the trade deal he was working on.  After, the three spoke of meeting up in the near future to discuss another matter to discuss the apology to a lady of the West and a lady of the East. 

Later during the campaign, Ambassador Dagger attempted once more to deliver his apology to the offended parties of both the West and Eastern Seals. At first, the Baroness Sayeh of Sapphire Isle accompanied him to meet with the Voice of the West where the three discussed the transgression. It was the Voice's wish that Dagger includes a knight of the East when he went to the offended party of the East.

After delivering his apology in the West, Dagger entered the Eastern camp searching for the offended party. When the party was not found, the ambassador spoke with a member of the Eastern Court who happened to be the Neches'Re, Zyghmundt von Steinkreuzwas of the East though Dagger did not know that at that time. The offense and intent to apologize was explained and on the final day of the campaign Dagger made his way back to the Eastern War Camp and delivered his apology on bended knee before the offended and the Naschesre'.

With great luck, the apology was accepted and the Neches'Re content with the actions taken. It is the hope of the Embassy that relations may continue to improve in the future with the East. The Ambassador claims to have learned from his past misdeeds and for the sake of Blackwood and the Realms' overseas interests, let us hope that that is true.

The Apology

In one's blighted vision

Animal leanings had arisen

My condolences for the offended...

Vulgar were the words recalled

Every proper woman was appalled

Rancid humor did her honor forsake

Yet blind to one was one's mistake

Starlight in a lasting night

Orator writes of the plight

Recall, if you will

Rampant were your words of swill

Your actions must be apprehended...

In a morning's realization

Keen to the allegation

Noted were the remarks last spoken

Exhaled were the tones outspoken

Engaging were one's intended thoughts

Ludicrous and harmful were comments wrought

Humbled by one's foul tongue

Unflinching is the apology sung

May these mistakes be remembered

Blighted is one's pride dismembered

Ladies of the Eastern (and Western) Seal

Elements before you I kneel

Declaring these wrongs comprehended...

The East Blackwood and Realms Embassy 

Grian Quihenya, Western Seal

Also during the Summer Campaign to the World Forge, the Ambassador and on occasion, the Baroness met with various Western leaders including the Nyame and Archon.  At first, the opportunity to introduce Baroness Sayeh to the Nyame of the East and West was taken.  With the Ambassador by her side, Sayeh was introduced to both Nyames.

Later, Dagger had the chance to speak with the Archon of the West during a moment of pause in military action.  The Ambassador spoke of the talk that was held between the two near a year prior concerning the Embassy within the Western Seal.  The Archon recalled the conversation and the two discussed some of the details but the Ambassador also included his need to formally apologize to the two ladies he had offended during the Schwur Feier des Westens the prior year. The Archon gathered one of his ministers to continue the conversation concerning the Embassy.

The Ambassador spoke with the West’s minister of trade who sent for the Ambassador of the West to join the conversation. During the conversation, the Archon returned to ensure that the dealings were going swiftly.  A court scribe was also brought in to discuss the format a contract with the Embassy could take and a decision was reached.  Dagger would return at some later point to sign and seal the contract with the West once it was finished being written. 

On the final day of the Campaign after the final battle and the delivery of both apologies, Ambassador Dagger signed the contract granting the East Blackwood and Realms Embassy a plot of land with a large building within the Western Capital of Grian Quihenya.