The Realms / Knighting of Dame Sayeh
The Knights of Blackwood is a knightly order in service and protection of the Kingdom of Blackwood and its attending lands. The knightly order was established over three decades ago and has continued to gain in strength over the years. The Knights typically go through a long squireship before earning their knightly belt and title. Lady Sayeh was no exception to this as she has been a squire first under Sir Magnus Heavyhammer of Folkstone and then Sir Pillipus the Steward of Erowan. Lady Sayeh was knighted, Dame Sayeh this summer in Voranis. Her knighting was accompanied by a letter from the Knight Commander of the Knights of Blackwood, Lord Sir Mathies the Lord of Verglaz. You can read the contents of the letter below.

Sir Dagger and the peoples of East Blackwood,
Let it be known that at tonight's gathering in the lands of Vorannis,
during court, the Knights of Blackwood added to our ranks.
Please join me in celebrating Lady Sayeh who from this day forth shall
add to her titles the title of Dame Sayeh Knight of Blackwood.
Lord Sir Mathies
Lord of Verglaz
Knight Commander of the Knights of Blackwood
Knight of the Eternal Flame