The Realms / Feast of Creathorne by Sayeh and Sir Shean
For many years the Feast of Creathorne has been a consistent winter gathering of the Realms' Winter Season. The Feast, as its name suggests, is hosted by the Nation of Creathorne of which the Guild Master of the Realms Embassy, Sir Shean, is a lord of. Dignitaries from all over the Realms, warriors and those who just like food were in attendance. Various lords of Blackwood were also present at the feast where the East Blackwood Embassy’s Realms Liason, Sayeh of Sapphire Isle, spoke about trade deals in Mythodea. - The Ambassador
Baroness Sayeh requested the attention of his Royal Highness, Crown Prince Saegen and some of the Lords of Blackwood. They were made aware of a trade deal to be made with the leader of the M. Hansa and the ambassador, Dagger, that if the companies both joined that this could mean the expansion of the kingdom's operations and a working network of trade. Sayeh asked if the Lords of Blackwood were interested in investing into this endeavor of trade to supply the embassy if it also meant in time that the Lords would also turn about a profit for their goods in time. The offer was met with equal interest, and further arrangements will be made before the Tournaments of Creathorne at the start of the summer before the Baroness is to set sail for her journey back to Mythodea. - Sayeh

The Feast
The Day of food started with bagels, spreads and some other brunch like items. Some of the Butters were Honey Butter, Maple butter, and garlic butter. Around 1 pm the soups and stews were released. We did not do a Rabbit stew this year however we did do a chicken stew and a Venison stew to go with the Chicken, Tomato and Mushroom soups. Grilled 3 cheese sandwiches were put with these along with egg noodles and rice some sliced breads a Tomato basil bread, oat breads some sourdough bread and a few grain breads and white breads. Stuffed breads, crackers, Ships, cheeses and a hot chicken dip came out around 2pm and around 230 stuffed mushrooms came out along with Beef meat pies and BBQ meatballs. 1st dessert came out being cookies and pastry around 3 pm. A little after 5 pm the meat course was prepared, chicken breasts, shredded chicken in BBQ sauce, Glazed hams, Turkey, Pork Loin.
Spaghetti w/ red and or white sauce, Gravy, corn, salads, and fixings was some of the food for the day. - Sir Shean
The Entertainment and In Closing
There were a few Bardic competitions and a stacked deck poker tournament, The Creathorne Casino provided blackjack and Let it ride for patron's enjoyment. The stacked deck tournament ran a little under the allocated 3 hours for the tournament. The players played with 10,000 in chips to a top 4 and a first-place winner...
The Feast ended around 9 pm, the hall was cleaned and empty by 10 pm and a good time was had by all... - Sir Shean