The Realms / Coronation of King Shandar of Invictus
The Nation of Invictus invited the denizens of the Realms to bare whitness to the coronation of King Shandar Silverstorm. Invictus, a proud and powerful nation, has been a prominent land in the Realms for many years calling many ancient lands vassals. However, Invictus had never formally crowned a king to rule them in spite of their size and power. This all changed this past spring at Sir Shandar's coronation. Lady Sayeh of Saphire Isle and Blackwood was among the the dignitaries present to witness the ceremony and pay respects to the new Monarch.

A tournament was hosted in the future King's Honor. The tournament was composed of hand-picked events chosen by the future king himself. The winners of the events received prizes courtesy of Sir Shandar. Also available to the future king's guests during the day were events in magic and item acquiring. There was no shortage of entertainment for the dignitaries and friends of Invictus.

After the feast concluded, all of the present people of Invictus gathered beside Sir Shandar Silverstorm. Shalindra took the crown and called to various magics and entities to imbue it with power and to bless it. This was done to make the Crown worthy of a King. After this ritual blessing which included herbs and incense, Shalindra declared that the crown was ready. When the crown was ready, it was brought before Sir Shandar where he spoke an oath to be a just ruler of the new Kingdom of Invictus. Once the oath was made, King Shandar took the crown and crowned himself King of Invinctus.
King Shandar then named his daughter Eris as his royal heir.
Invictus re-swore their fealty to their king as well as the representatives of the attending lands of Invictus. Following the Oaths of Invictus, gifts were presented to his majesty, King Shandar. The First Court of Invictus followed where dignitaries were allowed to speak before those gather and his majesty. An item of note
Crown Prince Saegen of Blackwood stepped forward before his Majesty King Shandar and announced that he had wished to take a new squire but it had to be the right person. After some time and consideration he set his eye on Hedda Whan-Hedda of Blackwood. Hedda's work with logistics and as a task master for the crown displayed her potential which could one day earn her the title and responsibility of Knight of Blackwood. She accepted.

Following the court proceedings, dessert was provided in the feast hall. Outside of the halls, people joined the fires to celebrate the newly crowned sovereign.
The next day, in the late morning, brunch was served. Closing out the festivities of the coronation was a Battle of
the Bards!
The criers at "The Ambassador" congratulate the new King of Invictus, his Majesty, King Shandar.