The Realms / Blackwood Tournaments by Sayeh
For many years, the Kingdom of Blackwood within the Realms have hosted an annual tournament. This year not only was the expected festivities and competitions to be had but it was also an event to host the respective Doe and Stag Parties for the King and Queen to Be of Blackwood. Sayeh of Sapphire Isle was in attendance as she had rushed back to the Realms after hearing of a siege of one of the Blackwood provinces several weeks prior. Also in attendance was Sir Shean the Lord of Creathorne and the Guild Master of the Realms Embassy along with many other members of the Realms Embassy.

Tournaments of Blackwood;
Stags vs. Does
In celebration of their engagement, His Majesty, King Kerrell, and his future bride, Lady Jinx, celebrated their recent engagement by setting a match to determine the strongest men to lead two teams, one that would fight for His Majesty "The Stags", and one that would fight for His lady, "The Does". Those competing in a variety of tournaments would earn points for their team. Members were selected by either His Majesty or Lady Jinx, and throughout the two days each team was put through their paces in determining their level of skill and worth.
Court was held in the middle of the festivities, where Lady Jinx announced that she would pass on her position as First Knight in the Knights of Blackwood, to Lord Torolf of Alonis acting as the Knight Commander's conscience.
The Knights of the Realms Commander, Sir Aeston of Rhiassa also came forward to ask for his fellow knights to join him before everyone...
And called, to His Royal Highness, Prince Seagan to join them. Words of the Prince's deeds and honor to the Realm were told, and tears of pride and joy were shed, as Prince Seagan was brought into the Knight of the Realms, and all of Blackwood rejoiced.
A great feast was held with a roasted pig presented to the many guests, and tournaments continued the following day, proving Lady Jinx was victorious in her selections for The Does. His Majesty stood proud knowing His kingdom will have a strong queen to guide them at his side.

Blackwood Tournament Results
From the View from Valehaven
As reported by the View from Valehaven:
"This year at Blackwood Tournaments we were celebrating the engagement and upcoming marriage of King K, and Sir Jinx. In honor of their future, and in the name of the celebration, we decided to have a Stag and Doe party for them up in Acteon. Naturally, we named the teams after the Stag and Doe, and to go along with that our King, and future Queen got to pick the teams that would fight for their honor. Here are the results of those tournaments.
Group Battles
Father of the Bride, Mother of the GroomTeam Stag
Team Doe
King/Queen War
Team Doe
Blackwood Side Board
Team Doe
Line Battle
Team Doe
Senchukulas ("Donut of Doom“)
Team Stag
Castle Defend
Castle Siege
Team Stag
Bridge Battle
Team Doe
Grand Melee
Team Doe
V for Vendetta
1 - Wrath
2 - Daekara
3 - Vuel
English Longsword
1 - Wrath
2 - Shader
3 - Eldritch
Obstacle Course
1 - Scalar
2 - Gordon
3 - Herk
Monopoly1 - Thoril
2 - Elora
3 - Valkyr
Liars Dice
1- Valkyr
2 - Thoril
3 - Nova
Team Doe (45 points total)
Team Stag: 32 points"