Realms / Nedengiving by Sir Shean
Every year for the past three years the Nation of Neden hosts their feast and carnival, Nedengiving. It is a celebration of all that has been achieved in the past years and it is also a charitable event. For those veterans less fortunate than the attendees, Nedengiving seeks to collect food in their stores to be donated to them.
Aside from the food and "Plated Cranberry Sause," the main attractions were the Nedsonian Museum and the Neden Carnival.

Festival Recap as seen on Realmsnet
Once again on behalf of Neden, we thank you our friends of the Realms for braving the weather and cold and heading to the wild wild north to Neden for our annual feast of thanks.
We had some great fights, fun games were played, prizes were one, food was consumed and we witnessed excellent performers. We saw, singers and poets we heard why you were all grateful, we presented award-winning cranberry sauce to our Kazoo Compatriot and we all gorged on Sir Naj's excellent spread.
It is my hopes that you enjoyed yourself and that you will return in one years time when we try to up the ante and bring you even more extravagant fun and merriment.
Thank you again for your company see you all soon.
Love and Respect
- Lord Sir Syruss O'Leary

I arrived at Nedengiving around noon, the site was mostly set for visitors to arrive. The first food course came out around 1 pm and the food kept coming all day and into the evening. There were carnival games to earn tickets for the raffle prizes. Some being very strange and exotic, one being a doll that apparently is being kept in the hallway to not keep the winner awake at night. There were meatballs in a sauce, salad, various pasta dishes, various vegetable dishes, ham, turkey even a large helping of cranberry sauce that one attendee hates that was presented directly to her with compliments. All in all great conversations, some good trading, some presents and lots of good food.
- Sir Shean O'Quinnlin Lord of Creathorne Guild Master of the Realms Embassy