Mythodea / To the Gates of Sarkan


Mythodea is dying; tThe nations and settlers of Mitraspera have known this for a few years. So far, the warriors of the Elements have only been able to bandage her bleeding wounds. To solve the problem Mitraspera communed with her children, the Tribes of the Elements, and her settlers. Mythodea called for her children to return what she gifted them, and then that which could save Mitraspera would be revealed to the faithful, within Sarkan the Third Sister. There are however some issues with that, no one wants to see the Tribes die, and the Inquisition within Sarkan is very aggressive against those who wield magic.

Painting by Szenen Fotografie
Painting by Szenen Fotografie

Dignitaries to Sarkan

Contact with Sarkan... The people of Mythodea knew it would be necessary if they were to save their home. Mythodea herself had spoken in Her way, and said that to save Her the solution would be found in the 3rd Sister. The 3rd Sister is known to be Sarkan; the opportunity was provided by the Tribunal. The Tribunal consisted of the Gate to Sarkan, strengthened by a magic imbued wall, an auditorium, and 18 pillars. 12 of these were active.

The Temperate Mages of Sarkan created the Tribunal to test those who had fled to Mitraspera and beyond to see if they were worthy of being allowed back into Sarkan, according to our sources.

As it was currently, the people of Mitraspera wanted to enter Sarkan.  It was they that would have to complete the challenges of the Tribunal.  The final task was known as the Ring of Light.
More on that later in the article...

Milla of Gorasia and Validar, Penumbra of the Herzsucher, Lady Anna-Katharina von Rabenau and Blackwood, Lady Lovis Arkenstone of East Blackwood, among other diplomats worked tirelessly to contact those which lay south of the Ice Wall in Sarkon. Together with other diplomats of Mitraspera they chose 12 Dignitaries and 2 Children to represent their home to the people of Sarkan.  Those dignitaries would be gone for 12 months deep in the lands of Sarkan fulfilling tasks to prove the worth of Mitrasperans to Sarkan.  That is, if the 12 tasks were completed.

The 12 Mitrasperan Dignitaries:

Painting by Stefan Marchant
Painting by Stefan Marchant
  1. Abraham (with a Child) from the Aufbruch, a Tavern Keeper by trade; Kindreth.
  2. Astrid from the Southern Seal, a Messenger by trade; Talvin.
  3. Birke from the Northern Seal, known to be "Useful"; Ennomos.
  4. Dagon from the Blutpakt; Pjotr.
  5. Sigur from the Sturmwächter, a Merchant Mage by trade; Vrad.
  6. Poppy from the Western Seal, a Caretaker by trade; Fredia.
  7. Leos from the Northern Seal, a Soldier by trade; Die Unbeugsamen.
  8. Tappi from the Northern Seal, a Lumberjack by trade; Chrysal.
  9. Anna (with a Child) from the Aufbruch, a Healer by trade; Faitachja.
  10. Siggy from the Duchy of Validar, a Shield Maiden by trade; Skythia.
  11. Caldor from the Feste der Vielfalt, a Diplomat and Soldier by trade; Kyra.
  12. Xyrane from the Western Seal, a Diplomat and Mage by trade; Shioh.

Sigrunn "Siggy" Jarnsdottir of the Jarnsfolk and Duchy of Validar and the 11 other dignitaries and 2 children from throughout Mythodea embarked on a voyage through the portal to Sarkan at the conclusion of the Summer Campaign. Before their departure they were given time to say goodbye to their friends and love ones.  At the turn of the eleventh hour, the party departed Mitraspera through the Gate to Sarkan.  We at "The Ambassador" wish they luck on their mission and journeys. 

12 Tasks to Open the Gate to Sarkan!

There were 12 Tasks of the Tribunal.  As each one was completed the faces of the pillars would turn green with light.  Should the tasks not be completed by the eleventh hour, the pillars would revert back to red each night.  These were the 12 Tasks of the Tribunal as reported by the collectors of knowledge within Mitraspera. 

Tasks Examinations and the Temperate Mages who Made them:
Left Pillar Tasks:

  1. Inactive.
  2. "Brew three potions that contain the Grand master's rules.  Place them and their recipes at the foot of the tribunal."  - Talvin the Wise Alchemist, 11
  3. "Find the right moment and the right place for a ring of light.  This is the final task in the Last Hour of Heroes." - Pyotr the patient, 6
  4. "Give peace to three poor souls after they strive.  Their faith leads them home.  So bring the corpses of their faith from Tribunal."  - Fredia, who helped the dead. 1
  5. Inactive.
  6. "Bring balance to the wild land so that life can thrive there.  Bear the fruits of your deeds from Tribunal."  - Chrysal, the Blooming, 7
  7. "Name the names and the dead of ten intemperate (mages) and speak true as you differ from their deeds. Show that you are not them and present this to the Tribunal." - Scythia, who speaks the truth, 3
  8. "Gather ten final battles and win them.  The battle will be fought at the Tribunal.  Only there is your death an illusion." - Shioh, who remains loyal, 5
  9. Inactive.

Right Pillar Tasks:

  1. Inactive.
  2. "Fill the Empty Well of War with your tears of kindness. Give life through gushing spring and water the ground of the tribunal with it." - Faitaja, the mild, 4
  3. "Find the Ennomos Key [that] shows foresight.  Name the solution word at the foot of the tribunal" - Ennomos, who unlocks the secrets, 12
  4. "Accomplish the work and show foresight for its power.  Before some weapons you can learn.  Let the tribunal's gaze fall upon you." - Furious Vrad, who hates understanding, 2
  5. Inactive.
  6. "Gather twenty beings who fight together or do not serve together. Give this covenant a name and leave their exploits at the foot of the tribunal." - The practiced, 10
  7. "Find the beauty in the horror of war and create a work of art from it. Share this work with many people at the foot of the Tribunal." - Child right, the smiling one, 9
  8. "Raise the golden banner and let it bathe in the sun, wind and magic for four hours. Let it make battle noise, then take it to the tribunal." - Kyra Gyldenhair and the golden banner, 8
  9. Inactive.

Ring of Light

Ring of Light Ceremony:   A ceremony, not a ritual, did not call upon magic but instead represented various aspects of the Elements. Lady Molly of Zweiwasser and Validar and Neriye Gorasia and the same went to the Edelphi and asked if they would be part of the Ring of Light Ceremony. They were resistant in joining a ceremony without magic as they were part of magic. Molly and Neriye told them that they knew it was a new way of thinking but that the aspects were more than just the magical connection to them. They asked if they would to consider live by the aspects but not by the raw force of magic that is within each of the Sacred Elements.

Painting by Ciaran Ryan
Painting by Ciaran Ryan

The ceremony itself had a book with a story about each person who created the 12 tasks. The Ring of Light was the final tasks and the ceremony for it explained the writer of the task's story. Each task was made by an ancient ruler and each story in the book was written by them as well.

After the story the gathering came together and embarrassed various kinds of positive feelings and emotions. A true sense of community. Each person present had light with them. The Validarings guided the light bearers in creating waves of emotion. When the final pillar had turned green, no one had noticed it. It was only when the portal itself exploded with shimmering light that it became known that the ceremony had succeeded.

The Knighting of Sir Logaan of Arven

As the expeditionary camps formed at the clearings within the domain of the Ice Wall, the Barony of East Blackwood received an invitation from Nova Bretonia to attend a ceremony with Logaan of Arven.  Logaan, a Corporal in East Blackwood's Embassy Guard, had long since been the Squire of the Duke of Arven within Nova Bretonia in the Western Seal.  This invitation suggested that something was going to happen concerning Logaan but what remained to be seen.  

When the East Blackwood party arrived at the Nova Bretonia camp they were greeted by its Rii Isenden.  Soon after Gazgul the Duke of Arven with his retinue arrived as well.  Together the party moved to the Church of Ignis pavilion and a ceremony commenced.  At this time it was still not clear what this would be about.  East Blackwood simply enjoyed Nova Bretonian hospitality and the ceremony itself.

Duke Gazgul of Arven and Rii Isenden called Logaan forward to stand before them and the gathered guests.  Gazgul then explained the reason for his absence and need for further absence from Mythodea.  He also explained the need for a steward for his lands within Nova Bretonia and then granted Logaan that stewardship.  This was followed by Nymea of Arven asking Logaan to kneel.  With sword in hand she knighted him a Knight of Nova Bretonia in the Western Seal and offered him his final unanswered blow. 

At the conclusion of the ceremony Rii Isenden offered the floor to Baron Dagger Arkenstone of East Blackwood to say a few words.  Instead of speaking, Dagger offered to kneel and bow to Logaan in a show of respect; the rest of the Ignis Pavilion followed that example and did the same.  Rii Isenden then welcomed Logaan as a member of Western Seal nobility by replacing Sir Logaan's black triskele with a red one symbolizing nobility. 

Assassination Attempt on Sir Balor the Red of Validar and Zweiwasser

On the closing day of the diplomatic mission to the Ice Wall a dark plot was afoot. Two people claiming to work for the Star Gazer approached the Duchy of Validar camp and requested to draw the portraits of camp leaders for the gazette. Sir Balor, Validar's faith guide and military leader agreed and was sat in a chair just outside the camp entrance where the artist would capture his visage. Then, a man in a heavy cowl attempted to kill Balor with a curved knife.

The mages and healers of Validar immediately responded while Baron Dagger directed soldiers of Validar and East Blackwood to chase down the would-be-killer. The two so-called Star Gazer workers were detained for questioning while the attacker was brought back to the foot of the Validar camp. The Ambassador Newspaper has been informed that the Duchy of Validar knows who contracted the murder but their leaders have declined to give us that information as of yet.

Sir Balor's wound was tended to by the advanced talents of Validarian mages and healers and he is expected to make a full recovery. Once the investigation permits, we will publish further news on this attack.

Nathanial of the Märkischer Bund

Nathanial, a military commander from the Märkischer Bund, was confronted by an Investigator concerning claims of cowardice in the face of the Forsaken.  Nathanial, a Marshall, was reported to have talked about pulling his fighting men and women from the war with the Forsaken for fear of failure.

Anonymous tips were presented to the investigators.  This information was brought forth as evidence of which Nathanial denied every wrong doing.  After, the councilor rulers of the Märkische Bund protected him.  Reports suggest that even with several mistakes made by another investigator and the complicated personality of Nathaniel, it was decided it was a matter of diplomacy and was to be dropped due to insufficient evidence.

The results of the investigation have not yet been reported to The Ambassador but we will keep our readers informed of any changes or additions to the story.

Syconian Viscount Threatens East Blackwood

Prior to the Barony of East Blackwood embarking on the diplomatic expedition to the ice boarder to Sarkan, Corporal Annabel of the Embassy Guard delivered a report to Commander Anthem and Baron Dagger.

A Syconian camp was found near the border to East Blackwood in North East Kahl'Hatra destroyed and its eight soldiers dead. During the diplomatic mission to the Ice Wall the Crow Mastery delivered a letter to Baron Dagger of East Blackwood. Viscount Gavrill Varontova knew of the attack. Orders found in the Syconian camp suggested that further reinforcements would come to Kahl'Hatra. Their exact intention was not stated but Embassy Guard officers assume it is to cause trouble in light of last the attacks on their soldiers over the past year.

Baron Dagger of East Blackwood is working alongside friends and allies to increase security before the upcoming Oak Hill Festival later this autumn. Until such a time, Commander Anthem De'vigil delos HORD of the Embassy Guard has released a statement, "All guests of the Oak Hill festival are NOT to attack Syconians unless provoked. All guests should be aware that there could be trouble but that the Embassy Guard of East Blackwood is seeing to the defense of the Town of Oak Hill for your protection and enjoyment of the festivities."

Ship of the Line

Wulf von Pfundenstein, Consul of the Wayfahrers, lent a Ship-of-the-line as support to the Crusade of the Elements in Kahl'Hatra and for the defense of the trade and supply lines of the Mutterstorm river. The massive ship is defended by smaller-shallow draft boats and ships while on patrol up and down the deep parts of the Mutterstrom. The East Blackwood Company thanks Wulf von Pfundenstein and the Wayfahrers on behalf of the Barony of East Blackwood and the Duchy of Validar for their continued support.

Anchoring of the Citadel of Life

Citadel of Life:

Preparations were made to open the portal to the Citadel of Life. We knew then that the Citadel must be anchored aber it was located at the bottom of the ocean. To reach it, a portal was needed. Cullach, a settler of Mythodea, was responsible for the Portal.

After Cullach opened the Portal to the citadel deep down in the sea, the First group went down and found the trapped Soul of a Phora named Nir'ash. [Phora is the oldest form of the Sephor
'assil] He died when the Citadel was damaged because of the creation of the Sephor'assil. He held a Great grudge against the old rulers, because they changed the Citadel greatly to use its power to create new Elemental people. As a result he did not Trust the settlers at all.

All the Elemental temples must be bound to the land in order to help Mythodea survive its slow death. Two Citadels were anchored already in contribution to this task. The next was the Citadel of Life. One of the central tasks in ultimately being able to bind the citadel to the land was the appointment of three new guardians: At the Citadel were were three Chalice's, one for Aqua of which Nir'ash was bound, one for Ignis of which Bennedikt von Hohenwacht was bound, one for Terra and one for Aeris which are not yet bound to a barer.

The Ignis Chalice, Bennedikt von Hohenwacht, was already bound and supported the search for new guardians and accompanied them in the tasks. The chalices, which had previously been the insignia of the Guardians, dissolved during the trials. Nir`ash, who did not tolerate the changes made to the citadel by the Old Rulers, had made sure of this. Not only had the citadel been consecrated by them long ago to the aspect of life in order to be able to create peoples for themselves, but the chalices as an insignia of power had also been added by them.

Painting by Gabby Lichtlux
Painting by Gabby Lichtlux

Instead of the chalices, the two candidates, Audea from the South and Iramar Whirlwind from the Naldar, and the Ignis chalice each received a shell that was of great power. The candidates had to complete the following tasks: Find 3 elemental peoples, 3 settlers and 3 rulers who forgive the crime that occurred with the creation of the Sephora'Assil. Find the high priest. Destroy the shells Choose a new aspect for the temple Find people who can bring about the change to the new aspect with their will.

After the first task, Audea decided to withdraw from the trials and Arya of the South took her place. Since the chalices had already dissolved at this time, it was announced that the new name of the chalice lords should be "Anchor". Cullach was elected high priest. He now represents the anchor Aquas. The anchor of Terra became Arya, the anchor of Aeris became Iramar Whirlwind. The following aspects were available to choose from: blood, dream and mercy. Through conversation it was discovered that the aspect of blood closest to the citadel's original aspect would influence the country's veins of power and make the citadel the heart of the country once again. The aspect of the dream would influence the Spheres, especially the Dream Sphere, and in some form the will and goals of the fighters. The aspect of grace would lead to the ability to bring living and forsaken into the Circle of life.

After much discussion, the anchors agreed on the Aspect of Blood/Vitality. The transformation and binding ritual consisted of as many beings as possible bringing a vial filled with clear water and a drop of blood from a strong-willed other person who supported the transformation of the temple to the citadel and using it, drop-by-drop, to fill two large vessels. After just a few hours, the bonding ritual was completed and the citadel was transformed. It received the name Citadel of Heart and Hope from its anchors. With the binding, the Prism Aspect, already known from the Temple of Change and the Cradle of Dusk and Dawn, also illuminated. The crystal was dedicated to the Aspect of Blood/Vitality. In it too, as in the other temples, one saw the vision with the dots in gold, blue, red, white and green.

Duchess of Validar Visits War Camp: Ceremony of Champions

Painting by Marco Winter
Painting by Marco Winter

Late on the first night of the diplomatic campaign to the Gates of Sarkan, the Duchess of Validar, Vanadis von Goldgrund, visited the camp of her people, the Duchy of Validar.  The Duchy of Validar's camp consisted of the camps of its founding baronies, Gorasia, Zweiwasser and East Blackwood as well as the camps of the peoples who were traveling with them the Vaittir and Waldesleben.  The duchess visited each of the camps that made up the Validar ending with East Blackwood.  Sir Balor the Red gently informed her that it was time for the Champion's Ceremony. 

There, flanked by Sir Balor and Toman Marbrück, the duchess addressed the gathered people and sword pilgrims of Validar.  Duchess Vandis von Goldgrund congratulated this year's Pompfball Champion, Validar Wildfire, for this victory at the Convent of the Elements.  After the two year reign of Viribus United the trophy went to Validar's Validar Wildfire and that deserved congratulations and a gift from the Duchess herself.  After Toman Marbrück read a prayer of the Elements, her highness Vanades presented each present player of the championship team with a golden circlet.

Dragonfly Queen to be Saved?

Painting by Helheimshots
Painting by Helheimshots

It was reported during the Campaign to the Gates of Sarkan that the Dragonfly Queen could be saved.  A group of Ignis faithful went to her and learned from her that it was indeed possible to save her soul and bring it back to Ignis.  The Dragonfly Queen reportedly spoke then saying, "seek me in Kahl'Hatra."  It was believed by many of those present that she wished to come home to the Elements.  Only time will tell if this is true but does she deserve saving?  This is a question we leave to our readers.

Zweiwasser 10 Year Silent Celebration

Painting by Stefan Marchant
Painting by Stefan Marchant

This year marked the 10th year since the people of Zweiwasser settled in Mythodea.  During the summer campaign to the Gates of Sarkan, the Baron of Zweiwasser, Lady Molly the Right Hand of the Duchy of Validar and Sir Balor the Red hosted a private, and quiet, gathering for their people's jubilee.  The hope was that their gathering not disturb anything concerning the campaign and diplomacy with Sarkan.  The Duchess of Validar herself graced the gathering with her presence.

What comes next?

The Citadel of Life has been anchored along with the Cradle of Impermanence.  Next year it is time for Ignis's temple, The Arena of Eternal Battle.  The Temple is said to be located in Kahl'Hatra, in or near the Duchy of Validar.  Validar is already preparing for it, are our readers also?


Sir Maron 3

Rumor has it that Sir Maron does not actually wear pants but instead is a powerful illusionist.  When asked why it is so that he would answer, "because it helps with mobility."  While this is true, can the Crusade of the Elements really trust an illusionist without pants?

Cults Everywhere

Rumor has it there is a new and dangerous cult... belief structure in Mitraspera.  Is this real?  Do we have reason to be afraid?  Here are possibly their tenants known perhaps as the 10 Droplets.

The Chronocult of Moisturers "Why would I dry it, if it's already well"

"It is a belief structure not a cult!" - Every other Moisture

The 10 droplets:

  1. Be aware of the extremest Drenchers
  2. We must moisten the Arridons
  3. Always swallow for moisture must Inhabit you
  4. When in doubt, wet your wise
  5. Warcry: Blub
  6. Be aware. Moisture can be found In unexpected places
  7. Your hardest moments can lead to moisture
  8. Don't swallow the hand that moistens you.
  9. The Moister of the Universe is our Moisteirer
  10. The moisture is coming

Sucking Wear Eel Found?

Rumor has it that the Wild Sucking Wear Eel, rumored to have attacked Sir Maron, was present at the delegation camps of the Summer Campaign to the Ice Wall.  As always, we will look into these rumors in search of truth for our dear readers!