Mythodea / Not quiet on the Western Front


For nearly two years the Sword Pilgrims of the Elements, The Duchy of Validar, and its Baronies have fought a campaign in Kahl'Hatra to rid the lands of Black Dynasty occupation and corruption.  There have been hard fought battles, victories and defeats, as well as many deaths.  All-in-all however, the Crusade of the Elements has made progress.  With both fervent and reluctant support from outside of Kahl'Hatra, the Sword Pilgrims continued pushing back the lines deeper into Kahl'hatra and away from the initial liberation points started near two years ago.  Vanadis von Goldgrund, Duchess of Validar, requested a meeting of pilgrims and allies alike.  Her envoy is Sir Breceus von Thalgrund, but since he could not be present, in his place is Ruben von Rabensberg.

Painting by Wintergrafie
Painting by Wintergrafie

Ruben von Rabensberg

Painting by Wintergrafie
Painting by Wintergrafie

The meeting point was a little way behind the front line, in an area newly liberated. Ruben was a nobleman and he introduced himself as the Baron of that region.  Ruben made the claim that he was justified in claiming the title of Baron and in that conquered region he could establish the Barony of Rabensberg.  It has been reported that the presumptive Baron has sent letters to both the Duchess and the Morningstar but has not yet received a reply.

Either way, Ruben has secured the area with his 200 soldiers and holds it while pressing his claim.  While every Sword Pilgrim is welcome to aid in the fight against the Forsaken, how the Duchess, the Morningstar, and the Barons will receive Ruben von Rabensberg and his claimed title remains to be seen.  The area that Ruben claimed is smaller than the territory of the three founding Baronies, Gorasia, Zweiwasser and East Blackwood.

Map by Tilia Luna Del La Rocca
Map by Tilia Luna Del La Rocca

Painting by Wintergrafie
Painting by Wintergrafie

Ruben, the Witch and the Storm

Ruben von Rabensberg came to the gathering in the occupied territory with an adviser, Ophelia, and some soldiers and servants.  When it became apparent that Ophelia was a witch connected to the Ice Witch's coven, a known blasphemer and traitor to Mythodea and the Elements, Ruben was tied to a tent pole by one of Dame Kaela's guards.  The speculation at the time was that Ruben von Rabenberg may have been involved in the coven as well.

Some believe that Ruben is innocent and that the witch used and deceived him. Others believe Ruben may be an accomplice of the ice witch. The only certainty is that the witch was slain by Kaela. However, this happened without due process of law and while the witch herself was unarmed.

Black Dynasty and Crystal Scale

Painting by Wintergrafie
Painting by Wintergrafie

Although the region had recently been secured, Black Dynasty fists were still present.  Acolytes of the Dynasty were observed fighting duels against one another in an attempt to generate Ignis energy, apparently trying to form it into crystals.  What these crystals are to be used for, is not yet clear but it appeared to the witnesses that they were very important.  The Black Dynasty Fists in the area were fought and either destroyed or repelled from the vicinity by those gathered.

Rumor has it that the name of the Governor of the Black Prince for Kahl'Hatra was also mentioned. This is said to be 'Crystal Scale'.  Our scribes at The Ambassador do not yet have any further information on who or what 'Crystal Scale' is but we will inform our readers when we learn more.

Gathering in Conclusion

Painting by Wintergrafie
Painting by Wintergrafie

Ruben was later released, and with the arrival of Sir Maron von Brendenloh of Zweiwasser and Tilia Luna De la Rocca, a meeting of the gathered allies, Sword Pilgrims, Validarians and friends was called.  Sir Maron and Tilia hosted the meeting with Ruben von Rabensberg at their side as a guest.  Information concerning the state of the campaign against the Forsaken as well as what had happened on that day was discussed.  

At the meeting's conclusion, Dame Kaela of the Fortress of Diversity had a private meeting with Sir Maron and Ruben.  There Ruben apologized for his behavior and prior disrespect.  Kaela agreed that that was a place to start from, for a possible working relationship in the future. However, the sincerity of both parties still in question at the conclusion of the meeting.  At least for now, there is peace among settlers and the war against the Forsaken continues. 


Sir Maron 4

Rumor has it that Sir Maron cut through 17 Fists of the Black Dynasty, saving 23 virgins along the way, and braved another potential attack by a Wild Sucking Were-Eel to reach the location of the meeting the Duchess of Validar had planned.  "With heroes like these, who needs armies?!" proclaimed one fair maiden from Oak Hill.

Illegal Phoenix Fire

Rumor has it that Sir Antonius' Phoenix Fire has a secret ingredient which may be illegal in most lands within Mitraspera.  Indeed if the people of the Phoenix Reich were to have learned of his supposed 'illicit ingredient', Sir Antonius's honor may be called into question.  What is this secret spice our readers may ask?  Of that, we fear, is fiercely guarded information and we are simple scribes who would not risk our lives to procure this information.  We can only soak in our shame and apologize for our cowardice.

A Wedding but for Who?

Rumor has it that the wedding of Grünhaut and Irene Bakke was paid for by the Kutschergilde.  What reason would the Kutchergilde have for "donating" such coin to the union of Irene and Grünhaut?  This is a question our readers should be asking themselves.  Theories and reports of information can be sent to the Northern Seal City of Copperdale in Lunorth.  Address responses to the East Blackwood Company Guild District, East Blackwood Company Building.