Mythodea / Naldar



Similarly, to the Western Seal, the Naldar had grievances with the Crusade of the Elements in Kahl'hatra. They, like many others, believed that the crusade was on its march to Kahl'hatra to claim land for themselves. Both during the Ruler's Council and during a visit to the camp of the Naldar at Bad Holzbrück, the rumor was corrected. The first priority is the removal of the Forsaken and Skargen and the healing of the land. After that is, completed one can discuss the permanent occupation of the land.

The Western Seal had suggested that the ancient home of the Naldar could be given back to them after the war was over. The Naldar did not want this as the land had been violently torn from them and the scars were still deep. The Naldar wished for a new home should one be found.