Mythodea / Märkischer Bund
Gift of a City District
During the Convent of the Elements, the Duchy of Validar invited four leaders of Seals and Realms within Mythodea to treat with the High Table. Of the factions represented was the Märkischer Bund who were gifted a large city district of Benedict's Landing in southern Validar. They are to present the city with a mayor for their district.
Trade Embargo
The Mitrasperanische Hanse and the Märkischer Bund have been in difficult discussions for two years by the time of the Convent of the Elements. The Hanse had constructed, many years ago, a major port called Thousandwasserhaffen in the former Freienmark which now lay within the domain of the Märkischer Bund. The Laws of the Bund removed control of the port from its founders the Hanse which sparked long and difficult discourse between the two parties. Relations broke down completely at the Convent where the Hanse, without the presence of Baron Dagger or Master Djako, voted for a complete trade embargo of the Märkischer Bund. This embargo prohibits Hanse members from trading with the Bund of which East Blackwood, Zweiwasser and Gorasia a part of.