Mythodea / Knighting of Sir Nogard at the Weekend of Delicacies
As the summer of Realms Year 1020 began to fade, the Banner of Silence hosted a Weekend of Delicacies within the Western Seal. The hostess of this gathering was Lady Eléanore, Duchess of Arthenois. After her family lands were returned to her by the duchess of Arthenois, Lady Eflama, Baroness de Boisvert aided in the receiving of guests. Baroness Eflama's sisters Lady Azela and Lady Philomène
did much the same. The first guests to grounds of the festival were the Ambassador of Blackwood, Sir Dagger of Blackwood and his guard, Bødwar, known as the Beer Hunter. Other distinguished guests followed with Mérane
Ragna Mala of the Fortress of Diversity being most prominent among them.

Knighting of Sir Nogard
Early in the day during the main festival of the Weekend of Delicacies, Nogard of the Banner of Silence was offered the title of Baroness Eflama's personal knight. This offer was made with the caveat that Nogard must take time to think about what that would mean and to decide if he would be willing to accept. After a ball, of which the Banner of Silence are famous for, the day light had left the sky replaced by a blanket of stars. This set the backdrop for the knighting of Sir Nogard.
Several torches were lit and all attendees gathered into a ring. The Baroness de Boisvert, Lady Eflama, stepped forward into the ring and recited the deeds and qualities of Nogard. Asking him to step forward and make his decision, he accepted. The lady, sword in hand, dubbed Nogard, Sir Nogard.
As it is known throughout the inner circles of knights within Mythodea, Knights can only be made by knights. This is so both in the Eastern Seal and the Realm of Roses at the very least. Sir Dagger, having been knighted the previous year by his king and fellow Knight of Blackwood, stepped forward to offer his services. He explained that in truth Sir Nogard was already a knight but some cultures within Mythodea may not see it as such. So, to support his friendship and the Kingdom of Blackwood's alliance to the Barony de Boisvert, Dagger also knighted Sir Nogard and delivered him his last un-answered blow.