Mythodea / Feathers of Validar ... And Treason


Lady Molly Aestus and Jarl Snorri of the Jarnsfolk invited Validarians and guests to attend the Feathers of Validar festival. This gathering was hosted by Jarl Snorri in the Jarnsfolk settlement within the Barony of Zweiwasser in the Duchy of Validar, Kahl'Hatra. The Jarl gave up his personal chambers in his longhouse for his visiting lord and lady, Baron Varek and Lady Molly. The family Marbruck from Waldesleben and the Lord Protector of the Northern Seal Protectorate of Irenath were in attendance as honored guests. Yet what is a festivity in Mythodea without the occasional treason and blasphemy?

Note from the Editor:

As we at The Ambassador strive for excellence in reporting with a focus on matters of diplomacy and trade, we take misinformation seriously. In the previous print of The Ambassador, a few mistakes were made in our reporting. Our sources misreported a few details that we shall correct here through these redactions.

We wrote in our last issue that his Excellency, Ramirez the current Archon of Thorns, and Peacock of Sagara, was the brother of the late Archon of Thorns, Vincent. We have been informed that this was incorrect and apologize for the grave mistake.

We also reported that the Tribes were not asked to participate in the ritual to send a message to Mitraspera. This information came from one who was present and who had taken part in the ritual, however we have been informed that our sources were incorrect on this subject as well. Some new sources reported that some were involved in the ritual and were asked to. To what extent they were involved is not yet clear.

Treason and Execution

During the hunt hosted by Jarl Snorri, the baronies of Validar and honored guests came across a camp of deserters within the nearby forest. The deserters were armed and armored and wore the heraldry of Zweiwasser, Gorasia and East Blackwood. The deserters were confronted, but communications broke down quickly leading to the application of violence to restore the situation. Baron Dagger Arkenstone of East Blackwood arrived at the deserter camp in the middle of the fight.

Validar and their guests brought the deserters to heel with many of them dying in the exchange of blows. Of those that survived the skirmish, there was one soldier from each founding barony of Validar. Validar brought them back behind the Jarnsfolk palisade and held them prisoner while the seekers of knowledge applied their trade and the barons decided on how they would proceed. The questioning of the deserters led to information that suggested they had been manipulated by a mage whose name is Paul. Two of the prisoners were repentant; one was not.

This story is continued bellow.

Waldesleben, Irenath and the Potts

The Feathers of Validar festival played host to a gathering of Validarians from its three founding baronies, Gorasia, East Blackwood and Zweiwasser. It also welcomed guests such as the Potts from the Western Seal, Irenath from the Northern Seal and Waldesleben from the Realm of Roses. Lady Lovis Arkenstone also attended while representing the West. From Irenath the Lord Protector himself, Lord Raven, represented his people while Vogt Marbruck led his delegation from Waldesleben.

Around Mythodea

Stordan Becomes Malaka'Re

On the second day of the Convent of the Elements n.d.E 22, the Heart Seekers were sitting in their hall for the morning meeting. Stordan explained hearing voices in his head and the call. He followed these voices and, many followed him. When they had been brought to their destination, the voices revealed a task to him and he received the artifact to the tunnels. Before he fell unconscious, he wrote down as much as he could of what he had heard.

Stordan von Zackenberg had been working for many years on Terra Tunnel projects alongside names like Master Murial and Baron Dagger. During this time, Eleya, the former Malaka'Re, had actively scrutinized him. Stordan reports not being aware of this however. When the position became vacant, he was prepared to step into the large shoes of Malaka'Re Eleya.

The previous Malaka'Re, Eleya, had become weaker and weaker in the years after the Cataclysm, as did the continent. During the Spring Campaign n.d.E 22, when the settlers anchored the Temple of Terra, the Cradle of Evening and Dawn, to the land, Eleya gave her last strength to support the anchoring from the earth. After that, no one saw her again. Her path as Malaka'Re ended there, what happened to Eleya herself is not known. Stordan does state that her body was not found within the Terra Tunnels thus far suggesting she could still be alive.

The Seal of the Center and the Northern Fiefdoms

We at The Ambassador seek to report on what we have witnessed ourselves and or on what is reported to us with the intent of reporting a reliable source of information and knowledge about current events throughout the Realms both within Mythodea and beyond to lands as far west as Mondus and The Kingdom of Blackwood in The Realms.  To that end we are happy to adjust the information previously reported on earlier this year concerning King Garvan of the Undead Flesh and the Black Prince of the Black Dynasty into the Realms of Roses.  

The article titled "Pact with the Black Dynasty" stating, "[the northern] borders were left lightly defended by the exodus of various fiefdoms such as Mondenhain, Zackenberg, and Zweiwasser. Within that time the Realm of Roses was not able to compensate for their loss and the Forsaken exploited their weakness."  We wish to shed further light upon this statement to grant a fuller picture of what transpired within the past two years.  The above mentioned fiefdoms and peoples did indeed leave the Seal of the Center and with that their areas of defense but the process was slow, granting the Realm of Roses the chance to strengthen their northern borders.  This adjustment of reporting was offered to us recently by sources within the above mentioned fiefdoms.  East Blackwood, while not settled fully within the Realm of Roses were also among those who evacuated the Seal of the Center during the incursions. 

It is important to note that the forces of these peoples have not abandoned the war with the Forsaken and Skargen but rather have chosen other fronts in which to wage it.  However, within that year a suitable amount of military strength was not made available to combat the weakened region.  This highlights the dire straits the Realms of Mythodea find themselves in.  With new fronts opening and old fronts reopening, many regions are left without adequate strength to defend them.  New less savory allies may be needed to combat the continued onslaught of the heretic Forsaken and marauding Skargen bands.

Perhaps the Ruler's Council will have answers moving forward?

Back to the Festival

Feathers of Validar

Jarl Snorri TwoShields invited the people of Validar and, guests and friends from Mythodea to a festive gathering in the new township of the Jarnsfolk.  The township was located in the new Barony of Zweiwasser in the Duchy of Validar, Kahl'Hatra.  The festival was intended as a chance for the people and friends of Validar to meet those of the High Table.  Those of the High Table of Validar present were Baron Tarin Hammerschmidt of Gorasia, Baron Dagger Arkenstone of East Blackwood, Baron Varek Aestus of Zweiwasser, the Right Hand of the Duchess of Validar Lady Molly Aestus of Zweiwasser and the Morningstaar of Validar Sir Balor the Red.  Only her highness the Duchess of Validar Vanadis von Goldgrund and her Left Hand, Dame Sayeh Saphierien were not able to attend.

Jahr Snorri's feastival was founded in part by Zweiwasser and by the new King of Blackwood, King Saegan Hart.  With the coin secure, Snorri presented games, music, food, drink, and a hunt.  As host,  the Jarl gave up his room for his lord, Baron Varek and his lady wife the Right Hand of the Duchy Lady Molly.  Jarl Snorri himself offered drinks from his own stores to those who desired them.  The food of the festival came three times a day while the music was provided for by the Potts.  Jahr Snorri's home played host to gatherings during the rain and in the evenings when people wished to gamble or play board games.  Outside, the Fire of Community burned. With some sage words from the Morningstaar the quest of the Sword Pilgrims and the new Pompfball Champions were blessed.

Treason and Execution Cont.

Jarl Storri and his Jarnsfolk questioned the guarded prisoners while the barons of Validar took turns interrogating them in their own ways. The youngest of the deserters was a young man in the service of Zweiwasser as a Drachengard. He was the first to be brought out to face judgement by his lord, Baron Varek of Zweiwasser. Lord Varek decided on a punishment which stripped the young man's right to soldier and carry weapons. When the baron was asked why his punishment has been so lenient he exclaimed it was on account of the young Drachengard's age. The Jarnsfolk quickly took the Zweiwasser deserter away to a place where he could no longer do further harm.

During the judgement of the Drachenguard deserter questioning of the other two deserters continued. Both Barons Tarin and Dagger spent time with the prisoners. After further questioning, the Gorasian deserter admitted wrongdoing and wished only to see Paul brought to justice. The Gorasian was even ready to accept his fate while the Embassy Guard deserter from East Blackwood remained defiant. In a moment's clarity, the Embassy Guard deserter did admit that he had been wrong but this was followed up by insults to his baron, Dagger Arkenstone.

The Gorasian was the next to be brought forward to face judgement. After a short speech from his baron, Tarin Hammerschmidt, the deserter was brought away to face judgement the following evening. Either execution or some life-long war service were spoken of for potential options. This left one deserter to be judged. Rakal of the Jarnsfolk continued to question the deserter until it was time to bring him forward as well.

Baron Dagger had been interested in learning more if possible before judgement was carried out. Who was Paul? How long did the deserters follow him and why? The Embassy Guard deserter refused to answer these questions. Then, the deserter agreed to speak if Baron Dagger offered him a quick and easy death. Before the baron could agree or disagree, the deserter made an attempt to escape. With the wounds the Embassy Guard prisoner had sustained in the earlier fighting, he did not get far before Jarl Snorri and Rakal stopped him.

Baron Dagger offered the quick death as requested if the deserter would speak. The deserter appeared to agree then spoke only one sentence, "from the ashes," then spit on Baron Dagger's boot. The baron had the prisoner brought forward before the gathered Validarians and guests. "Dame Sayeh and myself take loyalty and true treason very seriously," said the baron before unsheathing his sword. Jarl Storri and Rakal placed the Embassy Guard deserter's head on a block and Dagger Arkenstone of Blackwood removed it from the man's shoulders.

The treasonous mage Paul was later found and confronted.  Paul managed to escape justice during a struggle of wills.  Once his broke he fled before he could be brought down.  Jarl Snorri of the Jarnsfolk has swore to track and hunt this traitor until the sword of judgment can be brought down ending his threat for the good of Mythodea and the Elements.


Sir Maron 2

Rumor has it that Sir Maron was assaulted by a ferocious beast just before the Feathers of Validar festivities.  Upon the arrival of the noble knight to the festival, Sir Maron showed a peculiar mark on his neck which alarmed many of the festival goers.  This marking on Sir Maron's neck alluded to a potential attack on his person. Brave souls have investigated the rumor that he was attacked and further rumor has it he was perused and assaulted by by a Wild Sucking Ware Eel!  We at The Ambassador will continue looking into these rumors to ensure the safety of our readers.


Rumor has it that the Jarnsfolk have a breed of beast in captivity called Oxengoats.  During the Feathers of Validar festivities, these were a high topic of interest being sought after by many.  None of our Ambassador sources have reported seeing these wild beasts, but once we have proof of their existence we will be sure to publish news of it.

The Great Jarl

Rumor has it that after a Holmgang between Jarl Snorri of the Jarnsfolk and one of his warriors, the warrior became enraged at his new Jarl and refused to accept him as his lord.  The warrior was said to have attacked Jarl Snorri like a feral beast.  Jarl Snorri, ever the patient and wise man, banished the warrior rather than give him the justice he had earned, death.  The warrior rumored to have feasted on cattle and oxengoats alike often needing to be chased off by other Jarnsfolk warriors.   

Feathers Games

Many games were presented for the enjoyment of the festival attendees during the Feathers of Validar festival.  One such game was The Hunt which was won by Ganscho of the Gorasians.   The archery competition was likewise won by a Gorasian, Mila, who won last year's Mitrasperan Archery Tournament at the Convent of the Elements as well.

Finally the Duchess Game was presented.  The game involved a totem representing the duchess in the center flanked on either side by opposing lines of totems representing soldiers.  For the event one line represented the Right Hand of the Duchess of Validar Lady Molly while the other represented the Left Hand of the Duchess Dame Sayeh.  As the game wore on the Right Hand team appeared to have the lead until a surprise turnaround changed the endgame into a chase for the finish.  Dame Sayeh, Left Hand of Duchess Vanadis of Validar's team claimed victory closing out the festivities of Feathers of Validar.