Black Pier / Pier and Tavern


Black Pier

At the Convent of the Elements (Jenseits der Siegel 2019), Marik Fulgrimso of the Embassy Guard voiced his interest in running a tavern.  The suggestion was made by Dagger of Blackwood, the Leader of the East Blackwood Company, that he take over East Blackwood Company operations on the Black Pier. If he were to do this, he would first have to renovate the pier to optimize it for use.  Without a steady flow of traffic from the river and land, the tavern would not be able to thrive. 

The Salty Stick

After Marik agreed to Dagger’s terms, plans for a tavern began and soon its name was taken from a jest that transpired during the East Blackwood Embassy’s Grand Opening Reception.  The name of, The Salty Stick, was chosen and later a dedication to the person who aided in the name’s discovery, Fia of the Bracar Keltoi. With that concept of the Salty Stick was born.

Zottelbärte Ale

The matter of financing and stocking the tavern was the next item on the list.  During a meeting over the finalization of the contract with Ingra and Master Muriel, the dwarves came to an agreement with the East Blackwood Company.  A large sum of crates of Zottelbärte ale would be used to pay the most recent contract made with the E.B.Co and would intern be used as the new tavern’s primary ale.


Still, the matter of financing the construction site remained.  At first, the Groll family made an offer but their business practices proved to be of ill-repute and all business with the Groll’s was cut off. Later Dagger, the leader of the East Blackwood Company, met with the Kutchergilde to ask them if they would be interested in investing to which they agreed to pay up to 80% of the costs.


With plans and investors in place, permission to build was next. Members of the East Blackwood Company spoke with Biricus, Zweiwasser’s acting master of coin, to discuss terms. Later during a meeting with the Margrave Balor the Red of Zweiwasser, Dagger pitched the ongoing idea which was promptly accepted.  Bricius was informed of the decision to which he requested written and drawn plans for construction as well as the company’s method of financing the project.