Bicolline / Quies ante tempestatem - campagne maritime Recap by Sir Shean
Fleet Defeated
On October 13, the year 1018, the Imperial Fleet suffered a major defeat which caused the loss of all our Maritime Provinces in conflict. By the Emperor's grace, we have only lost a ship, the Alexandra, from which I have been rescued by our brave fighters of the seas.

In the face of this defeat, I nevertheless wish to salute all the fighters for the courage and perseverance you exercised during this b bloody hilt. Even when the dead covered the decks of our ships and our allies were fleeing the battle, you were able to stand up to the enemy and manage to defeat him several times.
Señoras y Señores, this battle is only the beginning of the war on the seas of Bicolline. The mobilization of the Imperial fleet continues and strikes will be organized by the Imperial Maritime Company (CMI). I invite all those who can help join the ranks of our organization as soon as possible to make our enemies pay for this defeat. Indeed, during the next year's maritime elections, the Carcosa nation will support us with their ships that will be captured or reduced to wrecks ...
Admirals, Captains, and Seamen of the Empire; prepare yourself for a year that will stain the ship's hulls of the world of Bicolline red with blood that will be poured into its seas.
Long live the Empire!

Provance election results:
Estimados miembros of the Imperial Council,
Damahur Strait Franck McHard remains the lord of the province who defeated Frederick of My Fort at Quies ante Tempestatem.
Kintzheim Sea Anniel Mayol remains lord of the province following the fight against Willkin during the Quies ante Tempestatem war.
Sea of Chains Kal-El remains lord of the province having defeated Sven of Ragnarok during the war Quies ante tempestatem.
Central Sea At Quies Ante Tempestatem, Seth Longhiver defeated Juan Angelo Guartem of the Sierra and became Lord.
Ocean of Mists Charis d'Edenbourg wins the victory against Belle-Garde Winner in the Quies ante Tempestatem War for the title of Lord. She replaces Sister Bérangère....///
Ship damage report:
Alexandra - The Alexandra received damage to her structure during the war Qiues ante Tempesatem. The ship sunk and became a Starkadh wreck During the Quest Ante Tempestatem war, Franck McHard managed to find enough debris to flush out enough equipment to repair his structure.
Kaiserin - The ship suffered damage to its structure but is able to repair with the debris around it.
Onyx - The ship suffered damage to its structure during the Quies ante Tempestatem war.
Leviathan - The Ship suffered damage to its structure but managed to repair with the debris during the war Quies ante tempestatem.
Big Silver - The ship suffered damage to its structure but managed to with the debris during the Quies ante tempestatem war.
El Croquetti - The ship received damage to its structure, but the captain is able to repair with the debris around during the Quest ante Tempestatem war.
The Jezebelle - The ship received damage to its structure during the war of Quies ante Tempestatem.
El Spectacular - The ship suffered damage, but the captain managed to repair with the debris left by Quieste Tempestatem's war.
Enctares II - The ship suffered damage to its structure, but the captain managed to repair with the debris of the war Quies ante Tempestatem.
The Jezebelle - The ship received damage to its structure during the war of Quies ante Tempestatem.
Cushion Hunt - The captain's title went from Eylis to Horse Captain Alfrid Vindrardottir.
Coquine - The title of captain passed from Eylis says Captain Horse to Alfrid Vindrardottir.
HMS Gaurynam - The title of captain went from Ronux to Bastian Oseric.
Lil'Jabbress Toki Tokisson - The captain title transferred to Bjorn Hergersson.
Guisarme - The title of captain passed from Lothass to Alesio the pariah.
The Moray - The title of captain passed from Thad Eck to Barraka El Lobo.
Fork, The title of captain passed from Flint of Eastern Wood to Rudolph Von Shlaffenmark.