Bicolline / Charivari of the release of the University of Rouenbourg
Charivari of the release of the University of Rouenbourg Charivari of the release of the University of Redbourg: or the art of consent and inclusive festivities: The University of Redbourg invited many gentes and mangens to come to participate in its festivities fall release 1019! The entrails of Limburg were open to those who attended for an evening of high-flying, which took place under the signs of joy and consent.

The Realms Embassy was able to send a few guild members to this function at the University, Sir Shean O'Quinnlin and two new members of The Realms Embassy Gawyn Darkhollow a blacksmith and ranger, and a Lady Rose. The Realms Embassy's main interrupter Gilgilad was also able to attend and help with some meetings they had planned as well.
The Realms Embassy secured a warm building owned by a close friend, the Guildmaster of the Colibrille, Ailsa. The two meetings were to discuss upcoming expeditions and exploration the Realms Embassy would undertake and to discuss some private matters for the Empire. Both meetings were handled well and matters were concluded with all partied being very happy.
After the meetings, the Realms Embassy returned to the University for Drinks and festivities.