
Eloden "The Late"

Embassy Guard

Eloden claims to be born on a ship and was a sailor most of his life. Some claim that he was a first mate on a merchant vessel, some say that he was a cook

on a patrol ship and others might say that he is a humble fisherman. Eloden goes where the wind blows, during his travels he recruited as a mercenary by one

of many Baronys merchants and now he serves as a guard.

Fate is a cruel thing and despite his effort to show up on time for battle, he is 'just a bit late for battle' and thus was named Eloden 'The Late'.

Despite being 'just a bit late' Eloden holds the shield besides his comrades and tries to do his best as a guard. One of Elodens priorities is to

keep Ser Dagger - the man that pays him, safe.