Mythodea / Fortress of Diversity
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This section contains descriptions of our ongoing diplomatic gameplay. All of the information herein can be learned In Character (IT) at Events and Cons throughout the world. Some of this information is also presented publically in the newspaper/Zeitung section of this website "The Ambassador"
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During the Convent of the Elements, the Duchy of Validar invited four leaders of Seals and Realms within Mythodea to treat with the High Table. Of the factions represented was the Münzquell who were gifted a large city district of Benedict's Landing in southern Validar. They are to present the city with a mayor for their district.
During the Convent of the Elements, the Duchy of Validar invited four leaders of Seals and Realms within Mythodea to treat with the High Table. Of the factions represented was the Southern Seal who were gifted a large city district of Benedict's Landing in southern Validar. They are to present the city with a mayor for their district.
During the Convent of the Elements, the Duchy of Validar invited four leaders of Seals and Realms within Mythodea to treat with the High Table. Of the factions represented was the Märkischer Bund who were gifted a large city district of Benedict's Landing in southern Validar. They are to present the city with a mayor for their district.
During the spring campaign to the Blue Forest in R.c.Y 1023, Baron Dagger had the opertunity to treat with the Duke of Askalon. Dagger expressed interest in future dealings and treatises between Askalon and Validar. The ruler of Askalon agreed and wished for much the same in the near future.
Realm of Roses Pact with the Black Dynasty